bokeboke memo

expat life


海外の良さ:外資日系企業海外法人も交渉次第;) pretty flexible, depending on negotiation. s suggested something good and a, a, h, s, me, and others also can work from home half of the time if we want. h already started not coming often. hehe. great, cause me, a, we all like our home very much, spending time, hanging out is so cozy at home. h and a really like it because they can have more time to do their second and third business and other projects flexible. me as well with some different projects. h can spend more time with kids, and do more yoga. haha. i also can do more studying on my 4th language, and etc. ;) でも上海やっぱ寒い。皆、長年住んでる島が一番好き♪ あそこは良すぎるなぁ。;)

Forbes The World's 100 Most Powerful Women:

loving the curry chicken salad and hummus from western food delivery. made sandwich and brought in lunch box again. hehe.

昨夜のうちら、taylor dayneの tell it to my heartをリビングでクレイジーに踊りながら歌う! oh that was fun. so cozy life.