bokeboke memo

expat life

island project is so busy

island project is so busy, many things to do. so i tcb in midnight. i'll continue tonight as well. i'm okay with coffee. hehe. right now we are test running some of the new things and we exchange so many messages in group chat. looking back many past contents, can't believe so far we've come, and how much we have put our effort in this project. i like how it's becoming. collaborating with government for years now and they pay all, so real nice.

on saturday, many phd will come for salon again, some from europe again, and lots from china.

the new mexican corn dip from western food delivery is delicious. i normally order hummus, pesto, turkey salad, curry chicken, but this one i ordered for the first time. it has very creamy flavor and has coriander. made a sandwich with that, and another with salmon cream cheese. squeezed lemon on smoked salmon ahead. so nice. can't wait to eat. ;)

me and folks bought "better call saul" mobile cover in different designs. both real cool, happy it arrived already in our locker. we just love that show. want to get something for my brother as well next time i go back. he likes "breaking bad" also but he hasn't seen "better call saul" yet.

for my other projects, i have narrowed down the theme to several priorities. lookin' good so far. ;)