bokeboke memo

expat life

three taobao delivery arrived

three taobao delivery arrived, so i worked from home today. folksがまた近いうちにハンバーガーやりたいって言うんで、frozen beef burger patties, frozen dumplings, frozen burger buns, so many other non frozen things such as cases of pasta and fusilli, big bottles of extra virgin olive oil, nutella, and etc... arrived, so blessed to have choice to work at home when i want. opening big boxes of goods, placing them in the house, i like to do these things. took a little while too. 丁寧にする。気持ちいいね♪ちなみに、うっとこのバーガーはエメンタルかゴーダでやる事が多い。

anyways, anemia finished. but i keep taking iron pills incase.
last night, i ended up making beef stroganoff and we loved it. happy happy. ;) originally wanted to have wanton and 大腸 noodle soup but oh, we can eat that next time. ;)

finished working, so i can prepare half of dinner during while kitchen still has sunshine from the window and warm. i like to stand in kitchen less in cold winter nights, happy to be able to do all this in the afternoon, read books, study my fourth language, and etc... for example, today, boiling potato, grilling bacon ahead. so can assemble and just heat again at dinner time. ;) folks promised to make guacamole tnite again for me, so i'm happy.
folks came home with many plants and flowers before, and replanted in small empty bottles, put them by the kitchen window, and it's growing cute. 以前、島で友達になって秋田の大学に教授しに行ったドイツ&日本ハーフとイギリス人夫婦にfolks皆で会いに行った時もそうやけど(男folks はなんとヒッチハイク、女folksはnight busと新幹線のmix。てか遠かったっちゅうねん!!) 外人、皆シンプルな草花や鉢植えをキッチンの窓、風呂場、家のそこらじゅうに置くの好きよね。特に風呂場、ごちゃごちゃ植木おいてるのおもろい♪