bokeboke memo

expat life


once in a livetime

Once in a Livetimeアーティスト: Dream Theater出版社/メーカー: Atlantic / Wea発売日: 1998/10/23メディア: CD クリック: 1回この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見るturns out that this album is real perfect for doing cardio. serotonin, endorphin and w…


seems like japanese folks in china are better to stay at home tomorrow and on the 18th with food and water ready... memo: 9月16日(日)NHKアーカイブス(1:50〜)加藤嘉一先生出演。 (近畿地方Eテレで9月22日(土)午前1:30〜)…


romneyの失言 (after ukで失言 → israelで失言 →japanについて失言。。。):Mitt Romney to Japan: You suck wikipedia page is what sucks!... - this also may give …

recent reads

世界犯罪百科〈上〉作者: コリンウィルソン,関口篤出版社/メーカー: 青土社発売日: 1991/08メディア: 単行本この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る世界犯罪百科〈下〉作者: コリンウィルソン,関口篤出版社/メーカー: 青土社発売日: 1991/08メディア: 単行本この…

nininininininini batman

woohoo!... alrighty, so now we know who's becomin' robin!!! :))) anyways, avenger was boring... like... hulk "did i hurt anyone?" (as usual he doesn't remember)uh... yes you did! and alot!!!so was glad batman got me going.

the second it turned into midnight, vodka & tequila shots. lots of smiles. lovely birthday indeed:) ニコニコ。ワクワク。ありがとう。with several busy projects, health is most important. making this 1 yr bright as last yr, keep up more card…