bokeboke memo

expat life


with folks.

lots of veggis. rushmore night.

my honour.

taking a walk in new street for health was an eye opener today.

after wks of no gmail and hotmail available, it is such an inconvenient and tiring wk... sucks.. this internet problem is serious.hanging in there though. thank you thank you thank you too :)

walk on the behind streets for health. e-mails working still... is so ridiculous...survived today through listening to billy joel for relaxation.Lonely Planet Germany (Travel Guide)作者: A. Schulte-peevers出版社/メーカー: Lonely …

kellogg's granola fruit cerial is becoming one of my favorite breakfast :)

辛lamien with veggies for cool weather.

thanx y for souvenier.Hong Kong 16/E (Lonely Planet)作者: Piera Chen,Emily Matchar出版社/メーカー: Lonely Planet Publications Ltd.発売日: 2014/12/01メディア: ペーパーバックこの商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る7 地球の歩き方 aruco 香港 2014~201…

busy busy. burmese coffee beans ended and opened a hawaiian chocolate and vanilla flavored beans. pretty nice and fancy, but i prefer the burmese beans more. lots of dave matthews band afterwards.

pretty sick. the greek yogurt i bought tastes really nice, but it's thicker than i thought. mixed mango with it to make it sweeter..

pretty sick.

one glass of beer.荘子 第1冊 内篇 (岩波文庫 青 206-1)作者: 荘子,金谷治出版社/メーカー: 岩波書店発売日: 1971/10メディア: 文庫購入: 7人 クリック: 72回この商品を含むブログ (43件) を見る荘子 第2冊 外篇 (岩波文庫 青 206-2)作者: 荘子,金谷治出版…

pretty anemic and am taking floradix. thanx to a for bringing bread, cheese, avocado, and cucumber.:)

folks. pork and laksa.

rasberry ale, mango, chocolate, and nice bread with a dip.

folk's friend is visiting.

my brother's birthday :)long call with a. that's disgusting. hehe :)

busy busy. photo developing. spicy shrimps for dinner.

congrats a again :))

ニイルス・リイネ作者: ヤコブセン出版社/メーカー: グーテンベルク21発売日: 2014/07/11メディア: Kindle版この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見るwith a, d, t, f, m, s, b, l. :))thanx :)


poeticsアリストテレース詩学/ホラーティウス詩論 (岩波文庫)作者: アリストテレース,ホラーティウス,松本仁助,岡道男出版社/メーカー: 岩波書店発売日: 1997/01/16メディア: 文庫購入: 13人 クリック: 140回この商品を含むブログ (60件) を見る

g's girlfriend is in town. half japanese and is so pretty.

artists village. apricot ale. long walk today.

healthy lunch.

congrats a :)

swedish band concert

a, d, f, b, l, g, a, h :)))

we all have bad condition frm last wk, went for foot massage.

i want to buy a toaster. トースト食べたいなぁ。