bokeboke memo

expat life


wkend reads

文豪ナビ 三島由紀夫 (新潮文庫)作者: 新潮文庫出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2004/10/28メディア: 文庫 クリック: 3回この商品を含むブログ (32件) を見るとんまつりJAPAN 日本全国とんまな祭りガイド (集英社文庫)作者: みうらじゅん出版社/メーカー: 集…

came a long way

four friends started watching at the same time. took while but was worth it. this stuff is addictive. can understand how come it brought so many cult fans. fun to see producers play small tricks around the cool books sawyer is always readi…

...wondering who are the folks calling TV calls from unknown foreign numbers on my mobile at 5 in the morning sometimes... cause i don't answer strange numbers... ... and isn't it a common sense to think about the timezone of whom your cal…