bokeboke memo

expat life


tony fernandes interviews

taraf de haïdouks live on wowow aug.9th

yey:))) taraf de haïdouks live will be on wowow aug.9th, 7:30am

memo memo

folks also hooked on: [rakuten:net-attax:10008595:detail] シロクマのことだけは考えるな!―人生が急にオモシロくなる心理術 (新潮文庫)作者: 植木理恵出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2011/06/26メディア: 文庫購入: 5人 クリック: 59回この商品を含むブ…

memo memo

ryo asai joins:最後の恋 MEN’S―つまり、自分史上最高の恋。 (新潮文庫)作者: 朝井リョウ,石田衣良,荻原浩,越谷オサム,伊坂幸太郎出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 2012/05/28メディア: 文庫購入: 1人 クリック: 6回この商品を含むブログ (17件) を見る

in the steppes of central asia

tenjin festival and shopping. amazing how folks love buying kitkat maccha flavor for souvenirs:)) [rakuten:kumano-nakatani:10000919:detail] やっぱ、ボロディンは良ぉすなぁ〜♪

steven callahan

amazed by his survival ability and vitality. his interview and book tell us never to give up on somethings in life:)) turns out that he was also involved in making the film "life of pie."Steven Callahan: Adrift at Sea (High Interest Books)…

recent reads

いなばのタイカレー缶レシピ作者: 飛鳥新社編集部,いなば食品株式会社出版社/メーカー: 飛鳥新社発売日: 2013/07/11メディア: 単行本この商品を含むブログ (7件) を見るQ・次の2つから生きたい人生を選びなさい ― ハーバードの人生を変える授業II作者: タル…

dead hot...

with folks. still long line to get in eggsn' things. tully's acai soy juice is real delicious :)) humus, tahini, kefta and etc... so nice :))


高野山 (楽学ブックス)作者: Kankan出版社/メーカー: ジェイティビィパブリッシング発売日: 2011/07/29メディア: 単行本購入: 2人 クリック: 8回この商品を含むブログ (5件) を見るSacred Koyasan: A Pilgrimage to the Mountain Temple of Saint Kobo Daish…

junko uchizawa/ nandarou ayashige内澤旬子南陀楼綾繁世界屠畜紀行 THE WORLD’S SLAUGHTERHOUSE TOUR (角川文庫)作者: 内澤旬子出版社/メーカー: KADOKAWA発売日: 2011/05/22メディア: 文庫購入: 4人 クリック: 70回この商品を含…

prince igor

locked out of heaven/ bruno mars

love this song :))) candice so lovely :)))

folks in town

after enjoying the gion festival, folks seem to love the basement floor of kyoto takashimaya. they love the presentation of the ippodo's designed can :)) the maccha powder set is quite expensive though.[rakuten:meidi-ya:10004860:detail]


had fun dinner with ash-han. funny as usual :)) thanx

recent reads

ことりっぷ 海外版 フランクフルト・ベルリン ハンブルク (旅行ガイド)作者: 昭文社旅行ガイドブック編集部出版社/メーカー: 昭文社発売日: 2012/05/28メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見ることりっぷ 海外版 ミュンヘン・ロ…

what the what!?

what kinda neighbour lets his or her friend park in my garage often without asking me!?... i won't mind as long as am asked. but i guess i got some surprising exchange, or not sure who's magic was that!? :)) smile alwaysanyways :)

memo memo

memo memo

ash ha〜n! both being too busy these days, our rainchecked drinking finally happening or! :)))foreign folks really love cycling everywhere :)))

recent watch

lovely :)) chiara mastroianni really resembles marcello:))愛のあしあと ブルーレイ [Blu-ray]出版社/メーカー: 角川書店発売日: 2013/07/05メディア: Blu-rayこの商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る

have a nice wkend :))

Strum & Sing Jack Johnson: For Ukulele - Vocal作者: Jack Johnson出版社/メーカー: Cherry Lane Music発売日: 2011/11/01メディア: ペーパーバックこの商品を含むブログを見る

amanpour interview with carla bruni

folks arrived japan safely. am damn happy. lots of fun to come :)) gosh those sim card rental for them are so expensive... might as well connect with skype.carla bruni: also love julie delpy:

daniel sa〜n fighting not good :)))

ralph macchio on dancing with the stars. didn't we just love him in karate kid when we were children? :)))

dudamel x hancock on wowow end this month

miracle sunny yesterday. hope everyone's wish comes true:)) a few visions becoming true already, which i cannot go on without being grateful to everyone :))so dudamel and hancock collaborated in 2011. asked dad to record it on wowow end th…

nice weather :))))

recent favorites:)). relaxin' goods : [rakuten:kenkocom:11263231:image] lots of skypes with folks :))Words in my mouth Someone told me to say They go unspoken My mind gets in the wayI hold my tongue Save my, save my soul True to myself And…

man of steel training

busy busy... thanx hiro, f, s, a, m :)))

coming on jul.12: mumbai now 2

ムンバイなう。2 (SPACE SHOWER BOOks)作者: U-zhaan(ユザーン)出版社/メーカー: スペースシャワーネットワーク発売日: 2013/07/12メディア: 単行本この商品を含むブログ (4件) を見る

JOBS official trailer (released aug16)

ashton kutcher to play steve jobs. i was curious who's gonna play steve wozniak but josh gad will :))) anyways, wozniak in tbbt was real funny, where penny says she knew him from dancing with stars :P

yeh :)))))

foreign folks i befriended in china and i would be in kyoto at the same time. woohoooo :)))long call with h. as usual, living as a good human being and smart! :)))meanwhile, relaxin listening to below two's all night nippon back numbers. l…

30 rock liz & criss tie the knot

dwayne ”the rock” johnson training for the hercules

woohoo! if you smell what the rock is cookin :)))