bokeboke memo

expat life


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recent readsサイゴンから来た妻と娘 (文春文庫 こ 8-1)作者: 近藤紘一出版社/メーカー: 文藝春秋発売日: 2012/09/20メディア: Kindle版この商品を含むブログを見るサイゴンのいちばん長い日 (文春文庫 (269‐3))作者: 近藤紘一出版社/メーカー: 文藝春秋発売…

pretty heavy rain. coffee with k. this month was such a horror for me becoming extra super anemia due to blood pee and my period. took medications additional to my routine iron pills. i wish my body was stronger...

today had a heavy anemia. our friend in suzhou is getting married and a decided to attend their wedding. i was invited as well, however due to my not very well health these days, i decided to stay. if i go, the folks are really going to dr…

and today's my mom's birthday. happy birthday.took ferry and went for walks for health. dinner with folks. ate fish for good protein.

today is birthday for two important people i know. happy birthday to both of you guys and best wishes.

g came back from japan which his germanーjapanese girlfriend gave philosophy lecture in three universities. happy g really liked kyoto. pretty funny photo of them drinking hoppy digging into seafood bbq in sapporo.

got better. but must keep good nutrition and also must keep out stress in order to strengthen my defence mechanism in body.ate pork liver for anemia.

no blood but some urinal irritation still. must keep good nutrition.had a jinseng drink for health.

blood pee continued 3rd day

hurts still. medication and lots of water.

blood pee continued

agh. really sad.

blood pee

urinal infection. so sick and hurts. taking two medication.

watched f perform jazz and we talked with her afterwards. nice.

i think this new coffee beans aroma is really nice.

the movie vincent is coming real soon and am looking forward to it.

shrimp and beef for my anemia and strength. must watch out for health.

pretty satisfied with the new bakery cinnamon roll than the old bakery, although it is still not the best texture.

now, my european friends started watch hanzawa naoki with chinese subtitle, and tell me they love it. i am so proud of this drama. hahaha.

simple udon with veggies.

went to folks new branch construction site. happy they are developing. hope the planting of grape tree will go well. rosemary and other herbs are already going to be okay.