bokeboke memo

expat life


date with my aunt. really enjoy her company :)ミシュランガイド関西 2014―RESTAURANTS & HOTELS出版社/メーカー: 日本ミシュランタイヤ発売日: 2013/10メディア: 単行本この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見るshe gave me these presents. moguは、結構気持ち…

@ cante grande :))

hiro, thanx so much for today :)) 今日も、いい本沢山教えていだだきました。感謝♪ a, yes. upright and straight. thank you so much :)

memo memo

ems price list: memo: 定形外 中国:40g220円、80g330円、120g510円ベトナム戦記 (朝日文庫)作者: 開高健出版社/メーカー: 朝日新聞…


busy busy. cycling for health. chicken breast salad :))ネトウヨは、卒業することを知らない 湯浅誠×やまもといちろう リベラル対談(前編)

folks love happy end, also quruli. thanx a :)

loved the international call from folks for about an hour. nice warm feelings. thanx so much :)this book is not really sold well in europe, but i find it interesting too :) Capital in the Twenty-First Century作者: Thomas Piketty,Arthur Gol…

university k-on reunion. very nice time. thank you :)

had takoyaki. おいちぃ♪ cycling around for health.精神はいつ生まれたのか ヒトとサルのあいだ作者: 吉田脩二出版社/メーカー: 文藝春秋発売日: 2008/02/28メディア: 単行本 クリック: 10回この商品を含むブログ (6件) を見る

宇治抹茶だいふく 6個入 抹茶大福§ 箱入り 和三盆 生クリーム 大福ジャンル: スイーツ > 和菓子・駄菓子・中華菓子 > 大福 > 抹茶大福ショップ: 抹茶スイーツ宇治茶 伊藤久右衛門価格: 1,360円this maccha daifuku is a delight :)))bicycle to lawson. laws…

nice weather

with m and i :) relax with coffee and dessert. 4 postcards from folks. happy happy :) klopse, indeed.

coffee and dinner with n. lovely ;) [rakuten:shizenseikatu:10005394:detail] [rakuten:shizenseikatu:10005396:detail] [rakuten:shizenseikatu:10005395:detail] [rakuten:shizenseikatu:10005393:detail]

birthday rush of 4 folks today :)) made roast beef for family.

very nice house guests. thank you very much for the big beautiful flowers :) feelin' good vibration. yeah, we're on the same wave. :))創味食品 そばつゆ 1.8Lジャンル: 食品 > 調味料 > その他ショップ: 満店プロ市場価格: 1,398円創味食品 京のカ…

going on a

date with jiruba shacho. yeahhhhhh :)) apple cider cocktails very nice for summer.ダーリンは外国人 ベルリンにお引越し トニー&さおり一家の海外生活ルポ作者: 小栗左多里,トニー・ラズロ出版社/メーカー: KADOKAWA/メディアファクトリー発売日: 2014/…

long phone call with k. feel really great to have someone this much bright and clear :)CREA (クレア) 2014年 08月号 [雑誌]出版社/メーカー: 文藝春秋発売日: 2014/07/07メディア: 雑誌この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る

excited to receive long hand written letters from folks. sounds nice :)

crafting summer greetings postcards and sending out to folks, love it :)

so happy that germany won :)

curry with lots of veggies. great for summer :)

gion festival atmosphere everywhere. we folks wore kimonos :)

health not well. lots of hot tea.

congrats germany. i was pretty sure they would win. but we are nuts. soccer is wasting our healthy sleep :P

recent reads

this book is real good.スーパーマーケット最強バイブル (晋遊舎ムック)出版社/メーカー: 晋遊舎発売日: 2014/06/16メディア: ムックこの商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る

congrats to germany again :)


go go germany!

busy busy.we folks are definately cheering for germany :))

grandparent's house with family and aunt. lovely :))