bokeboke memo

expat life


hiro’s advise

oh hiro, your advise was so great, that you just made my day :)))) always very place with the folks. d, a, p. fun. :))

list of songs in my dad’s upcoming concerts

real fruitful skype with m and s :))) cofee with a. nice catching up :)) the book a introduced me today: The Open Society and Its Enemies (Routledge Classics)作者: Karl Popper,E.H Gombrich出版社/メー…

schrödinger’s cat situation...

let's enjoy this situation, shall we? :Dödinger's_cat Pole Dancing, Empowerment and Embodiment作者: S. Holland出版社/メーカー: Palgrave Macmillan発売日: 2010/03/10メディア: ハードカバー クリック: 1回この商…

dead busy days, but today i have free time :D loving the weather today. ate onigiri outside bought in seven eleven :)) also, several synchronicity with best friends' news. i mean man without actions xxx ewuuuuh. think about it. haha


with p. if we cannot find each other, just go back to the mongolian jurta :))ゲル_(家屋)ねじまき鳥クロニクル 全3巻 完結セット (新潮文庫)作者: 村上春樹出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発…

dead busy. totally relaxed by the beach side. thank p for taking me :) p has this way of everything to be black and white, i respect that, but there are grey areas in your life, we discussed about these. nice chatting on the beach. love it.

dream theater fans gather

catching up with y. met d, p, t, r, m, a, later. :)))here here!! salut for the dream theater fans.

early halloween party

memo memo:今月号から、発行元がBURRN!CORPORATIONからその親会社のシンコーミュージックに変わった(戻った)。そのクーデター的な出来事の背後には、酒井康と、編集スタッフとの長年にわたる内紛やら確執。tweetのまとめはこれ…

naoki hanzawa

oh ma-n... watched hanzawa naoki and マジ泣きしまくりすてぃ。。what a cliffhanging way of ending... love these characters and friendship that fight for justice. LIVING AS A GOOD HUMAN BEING, PAWT THEM, PAWT AND HOPE FOR BAD GUYS TO DROP DE…

the road not taken/ robert frost

still on lots of medication, but hanging in there. thanx, j, e, g, k road not taken(選ぶもののない道)夕焼けに染まった森の中で、道が二手に分かれて…

three days in hospital. shit... gastro camera, not a fan... lots of medicine to take. aghhhh. i thank soooo much for k to take me there and stayed in emergency room. and the folks. i promise i'll become healthy again. xoxo

Find a Husband After 35: (Using What I Learned at Harvard Business School)作者: Rachel Greenwald出版社/メーカー: Ballantine Books発売日: 2004/08/31メディア: ペーパーバックこの商品を含むブログを見る

k, i, t, y, a, s, n, thanxxxx

new friends

music studio with folks and birthday dinner for i. :)) made new friends again しかもドリームシアター愛して演奏出来る人々3人も。 :D great wkend

before midnight

i've been waiting for this for long time. loved it so much. richard linklater did it again :))Before Midnight [DVD] [Import]出版社/メーカー: Sony Pictures Home Entertainmentメディア: DVDこの商品を含むブログ (1件) を見るhttp://en.wikipedia.…

zambia vs brazil in beijing

watched this game with folks together. real fun :))c "sandy, you know which uniform is zambia, right?" s "not sure." d "sandy... they're the ones that usually don't have the ball. ":P well, afterall, this was just their friendship game but…



陰子銀行的問題xxx 聴説11月内発生暴動的可能性。大家如果要出国的話、馬上買機票比較好。。真的邪的!?

sunday kind of love

zettai daijyobu. surprise present from p. i love you too :) n,t,k,k,y,a,n,f thanx

ウクレレ・ラヴ UKULELE LOVE 関口和之 責任編集 (TOKYO FM BOOKS)作者: 関口和之出版社/メーカー: 東京FM出版発売日: 1999/07/28メディア: 楽譜 クリック: 10回この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る

screening process done ;) これだけは知っておきたい英文ライセンス契約実務の基礎知識作者: 小高壽一出版社/メーカー: 民事法研究会発売日: 2012/02/01メディア: 単行本この商品を含むブログを見る


just hanging in there ;))) thai curry with folksBRING YOUR BOARD!!アーティスト: ELLEGARDEN,Takeshi Hosomi出版社/メーカー: Dynamord Label発売日: 2003/07/02メディア: CD購入: 2人 クリック: 33回この商品を含むブログ (79件) を見る

soooo happy to hear from a folk since long time. thanx :)))

国慶節快楽 :D

great time with t and folks :))) have a great holiday.

memo memo

nietzsche died of syphilis...

summer glau

abstract mind

Lonely Planet Southeastern Europe (Lonely Planet Travel Guides)作者: Marika McAdam,Alexis Averbuck,James Bainbridge,Mark Baker出版社/メーカー: Lonely Planet発売日: 2013/10/01メディア: ペーパーバックこの商品を含むブログを見るit's one of the…

this is the end

finally wkend. unwind with folks :)) loving the weather these days.loved this movie :DThis Is the End [DVD] [Import]メディア: DVDこの商品を含むブログを見る

bit of free time. phone call with t for some advice. if you doubt about anything with your sixth sense, you should wait to proceed :D