bokeboke memo

expat life


life is too short

not a second to loose on being sad, because life is too short :)

wayne shorter’s 80th birthday party with thelonious monk’s con

b's concert tonight as well. very looking forward to meet up with the folks again. b told me he was gonna play a piece that they did at wayne shorter's 80th birthday, also had thelonious monk's contest as well.

quite a work out

woa woa... those machine workouts and dumbells are killing my muscles. banana protein milkshake after workout tastes sooooooo gd ;Db's jazz concert at night. was so nice. made many new friends. conversation over milk tea in midnight about …

banana protein milkshake

weight training with l. had a lovely vegetarian lunch. feel so peaceful. on sofa watching folks practice grand piano for tomorrow night's concert. so cozy day. very very fruitful skype with m and s. we are not a solo here. both looking for…

dude is this true?!

rmb= 16.592 結局シャドーバンキングのデモ起こるって言ってたの起こらないし。。decided to wear the jade bracelet o gave me couple of years ago, just for good luck charm ;) quietly listen to the suggestion.folks playing acoustic guitar in cafe…

shields up folks ;) so very much happy to know you. まぁ、なんも考えないのが一番いいなぁ♪


伝統の模様をクロスステッチに作者: 平井陽子出版社/メーカー: マガジンランド発売日: 2012/11/14メディア: 大型本この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見るhow great it feels after having a real good udon and tempura with a folk :) で。皆なぜかチャック開…

skyping away with s. as always very smart :) but is it really explicit?.. so what's the main topic?? the problem is not the contents, but why he told me this. is it really pretending?? sと言ってて、向こう側がしまったと思ってる事が明らかに…

drinking, dancing, talking, smiling

fun fun night with the folks. i'm so happy, felt so warm to have you guys :))) パニックらないで欲しいなぁ。 thanx for nice souvenir :D i'm glad i have all these pacts with cool men :)

cardio increase

really looking forward to it! :) thanx l very much. i trust you're gonna do everything you can to help me! maybe increase of some weight workouts ;)

klaus kinski biography

thanx for sharing, a :) k's e-mail is so smart!! :) ま、娘をレイプしてた男が何を言っても共感出来るもんじゃない。。と。。Kinski Uncut: The Autobiography of Klaus Kinski作者: Klaus Kinski,Joachim Neugroschel出版社/メーカー: Bloomsbury Publis…

nice skyping with s. just enjoy life. everything will be okay ;) hey, these people... you can't keep on avoiding life :))) positive energy!!!!! and super attitude!!

dead busy. sweet and coffee to relax. cu tomorrow l:)

sleep long and prosper

seems like folks caught cold. pure, 素直に :) 読むのめっさ早いなぁ〜。 nice e-mail :)

hair cut

cutting real long hair must be change for both girls and boys. it is true is cold around the neck part ;))real nice skype with s :))) big hugs

white russian

Wuthering Heights作者: Emily Brontë発売日: 2011/03/30メディア: Kindle版この商品を含むブログ (3件) を見るThe Fountainhead作者: Ayn Rand出版社/メーカー: NAL発売日: 1994/11/01メディア: ペーパーバックこの商品を含むブログを見る cute night hikin…

really really a great day. i am so thankful. let us begin ;) all my visions came true. hugs :))) w,o,k,a,a,p,c,s,m, m, thanxxxxxxx.wild night celebrating a's engagement :)) huge ice cream cake, nice :)) あんな大きいハーゲンダッツのアイスク…

red and black/ les miserables

tomorrow is the day! :))) thanx m for your Skype. Combufree: At Notre Dame The sections are prepared! Fuelly: At rue de Bac They're straining at the leash! Couferac: Students, workers, everyone There's a river on the run Like the flowing o…

my brother's birthday. happy birthday, t. best is yet to come :)))really appreciate s, a, a, k, t. p is real weird. ....

weeeeee. performing in live bar without practice seems like a lot of responsibility... hehehe ;)

geworfensein in derwelt

danke danke danke

cycling with folks, is that how it's gonna be?? quarrel with a. oh ma-n...

increase my cardio

Lonely Planet Germany (Travel Guide)作者: A. Schulte-peevers出版社/メーカー: Lonely Planet発売日: 2013/04/01メディア: ペーパーバックこの商品を含むブログを見る yaya. must. so happy. そよ風の様だ♪ hope everyone is having a great wkend.

meeting with o and w, in quite long time. thanx for chocolates. hehe :) well... many "zeitgeist" related youtube are quite a topic. some friends believe and some think they are dangerous to believe such. hiro, got it!! :))

great time. some chocolate ice cream. thanx a ;) oh yeah... they are real players.

comfort women song

s, n, a, k, y, t, thanx.thanx for sharing, d :)

k, e, thank you so much :)) k, a, m, thanx. that was wild...aが夢に出て来た。ありがとう。:)

busy busy. old folk in town catching up ;DLonely Planet the Netherlands作者: Ryan Ver Berkmoes,Karla Zimmerman出版社/メーカー: Lonely Planet発売日: 2013/06/01メディア: ペーパーバックこの商品を含むブログを見る


山本周五郎全集 (第13巻) 彦左衛門外記 平安喜遊集作者: 山本周五郎出版社/メーカー: 新潮社発売日: 1983/03メディア: 単行本この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見るn, s, long e-mail. enjoyed reading them. r just came back. cu soon :)from n on subject "w…

memo memo:燕岳下山、安曇野

drive with the folks. a, k, m, b, j, a, thanx :)) b's way of thinking is fascinating. met a, d later.