bokeboke memo

expat life

wander ponder from a friend

"As China pushes itself to the front of the global economy it is given shit for its disrepect to the copyright/protection of Western goods. Western companies have complained about how this piracy/imitation has degraded their company image.

In 1557 the Portuguese brought porcelain from Macau to Europe. Following this a craze began in Europe for Chinese porcelain. King Augustus II called it “La Maladie deporcelaine.” The porcelain was first copied in 1575.

In the 1600s, the famous blue and white porcelain of China was copied in Delft, Holland and lacked in quality, was covered in a white tin oxide glaze and was only a low fire earthenware which made it susceptible to cracking. Not until 1710 in Meissen, Germany were the Europeans able to achieve a similar quality to the Chinese.

My point: shut up white people, you did exactly the same thing.

  • from Asian Culture Museum, Singapore"

wander ponder. hey, you're white too. copying product and brand character is quite different.