bokeboke memo

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for those experienced devastating thing happened in your life, YOU ARE NOT ALONE :)

this back issue of coyote has a whole map of the route dalai lama used to leave tibet. such a devastating life... imagine how he felt and his braveness to leave all behind.

Freedom In Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama of Tibet

Freedom In Exile: The Autobiography of the Dalai Lama of Tibet

coyote(コヨーテ)No.5 特集・チベット、ヒマラヤへと続く道「ダライ・ラマもこの道を旅した」

coyote(コヨーテ)No.5 特集・チベット、ヒマラヤへと続く道「ダライ・ラマもこの道を旅した」