bokeboke memo

expat life

how to save a brainwashed person

we discussed about it. in this uncertain world, many people are brainwashed by communism, extreme religion, uneducated and low moral standard parents, manipulative girlfriend, school, and etc.. it's real worse if it's the group of people, family or the whole town is brainwashed with some kind of low moral standards or bad practice.
at the end, only one can save himself. but with people's continuous efforts and warm support, we still have hopes to save brainwashed person. cheers. (^_^)
and there are what we can do for ourselves too. it's very important to think and judge with your own brain and don't get too easily influenced by information around you. trusting mass media too much is very dangerous. for instance, these information from reuters and bloomberg is strange sometimes and totally the opposite of what they say. i just trust my own instinct on these things, and this questioning if things are true or not, not getting brainwashed or influenced easily by others do need training since growing up and everyday even now.

today, my folks want to discuss somethings they want me to help.

treat myself a nice coffee and dinner.