bokeboke memo

expat life

getting ready airmails

postcards and airmails for folks.

big rain in the afternoon, but was lucky it was just the time i arrived under the roof. hehe.

some shopping downtown. bought kimchee in such a long time. i think it will increase appetite and matches with beef menu.
went to check out a folk that i used to work with in china, that works in kyoto now.

chat with the taxi driver that i bump into often. fun.

i understand this person's real personality because i've spent my life with that person for long time. and i believe and trust myself that this man is not a real bad person for real. however, the action this person taking now is coming from fear. i don't understand fear because i am just very direct with full of justice. but honestly, i think a man should be brave and strong to say what is their true feelings from their heart, if this man really feels sorry and apology. otherwise, we cannot understand if it is a fake apology or true apology. well, i think it is difficult when a man is surrounded by bad quality adults. :)

anyways, cozy nice talk with folks.
mom waited for me with yummy dinner! then, family time watching tv together. hehe. :)