bokeboke memo

expat life


“杜鹃”影响期间,恰逢农历八月的天文大潮,台风与天文大潮叠加形成高潮位。今明两天,厦门将迎来三个高潮位时段,其中29日凌晨的高潮位可能达新中国成立以来第二高,为50年一遇!!厦门海洋环境预报台已经启动了“厦门沿海风暴潮� 级预报(红色)”。

although, a woman from convenience store downstairs told me kids have school today, she says maybe not tmrw.
have some food and water at home.

anyways. yesterday, not only chihara jr. got married but also fukuyama did. wow, marriage rush. congrats!(^_^)

anyways...日刊スポーツ間違い見っけ。damianちゃうん。they fixed it in several hours!