bokeboke memo

expat life

櫻井よしこ Good Job!!

my message is just 加油!or else, i've seen so many men did wrong or made mistake because of selfishness and didn't fix it, later in their life such as when they get old, they get depressions and mentally ill, or commit suicide. the most scary thing is not the outside factor, but their internal self start to feel big stress of self guilt or shame, which leads to their getting big depression. i know it happens alot in both men and women at their later life to people who did bad things when they were young. doctors can't fix them. it's too late.
in my thinking, it also must be because of years denying and lying to themselves like 'no i didn't do bad thing.' or similar self denial leads them to become depressed or fucks up their mental health. hehe.

anyways, today i'm feeling anemia and going to seclude with hot herb tea and medication after lunch and laundry.

eventually went out to get meat to get some iron in my body. hope it sinks in even a little. (^_^)