bokeboke memo

expat life

marriage is そもそも commitment.

でないと困るね。(^_^) yeah, let's get this straight. totally agree with folks we talked about so many things last night. hehe.
people should look up on a dictionary, if they don't know what commitment is. it says 'commitment=他の異性とはもう付き合わない事' there you go!

fun talking with folks that i know for long years, now we're busy in our daily life that when there's a chance, it's so nice.
lovely 16th anniversary party. catching up with many folks. a and p got married in poland this spring, j and s got married two days ago in switzerland, e and j had a baby in czech and coming back in september. am so happy for them. met many new american folks and french, italians, belgium people too. nice catching up with g from uk. last time was rugby team christmas home party, i think. too bad he's kosher, can't eat meat in china.

bad thing is, i got too anemiac again and felt really sick and almost fainted during standing up talking, and folks helped me sit down, got me water, they put winds to my face with their fans, and help me get into taxi to go home early. i took medication and lie down in bed.
but it was a horrible thing that happened. standing up pretty long does this to me often. also sad that again i'm bleeding with unknown reason. such disaster. living with illness is tough. after hospital doctor check result was real bad, oh man. i gotta go again.