bokeboke memo

expat life

for march preparing for grandparents

some cool plans. although they have nowhere bad in health at age 94 & 91, they go out less so we sometimes bring nice "kyoto SHINISE RESTAURANT takeout" that's on our way. i did research and made list where we can take out nice BENTO that is both close from our family way and aunt's way to grandparents' home. very proud of the research result. since my they don't like mediocre quality and sometimes when DEPACHIKA food gets boring, i think it's good to bring them something different. one place that i think i found nice is nothing expensive, just simple egg sandwich but pretty special. they do it exactly the old "corona" style. "corona" was very famous egg sandwich place but it closed. i found a cafe that's close to my aunt's place that they do it exactly same way and can take out. nice snack or brunch to bring them. hehe.
of course, we cook a few more dishes aside to that stuff we bring from the RYOTEI or DEPACHIKA. i like researching gourmet in kyoto, so i'm always happy if i can make them happy in anyway. :)

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as same as these days, i'm very anemiac, but we had brunch with many cheese souvenirs but today we tried very stinky cheese, which tasted awesome. then, i took a nap. want to eat japanese udon tonite. ;)