bokeboke memo

expat life

since most of us folks graduated with marketing degree,

and have asian work experience, it's very smooth when we talk strategies. when basic foundation knowledge is owned by each of us, don't have to waste time on explaining them and can just get into main topic. ;)

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last night went well, this morning woke up early. went down stairs to buy onion and lemon for my cheese toast and darjeeling tea. today, will be pretty busy brainstorming about f's stuff. ;)

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朝から張り切り過ぎた。super anemiac... taking anemia medication that doctor gave me and going sleep. will wake up at night for dinner time. ベッド寝とったら、意外な事が3つも起こった。どれもええ事。体調は気持ち悪いけどど心は気持ちええぇ〜。。皆サンクス!続きは元気なってから♩(アホ);)

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と思ったら、心配したfolks がknockしてdinner持って来てくれた。also because one of the guy is in real estate business too, and showed me the nice new furnished apartment photos in town for rent that noone lived before, brand new, looking for tennants. hehe. okay i'll ask someone. :)