bokeboke memo

expat life

slept long hours, grated cinnamon bark

and made a latte with lots of creme and sugar. today, just simple butter toast for brunch. a rest from cheese. haha.
dunno what makes me sleep very long these days. if not at night, i take a long nap in the afternoon. feels real nice, so まっいいか♩ :)

today again busy teaching japanese from late afternoon. students progress is so fast. we talked about it and think because they already learnt chinese and know the hanzi(漢字) meaning and some similar grammers, so it's easy for them to learn japanese.

before the lesson, must go buy toast bread and taiwanese brand water. what should i get for 自分にご褒美 everyday today?! ;)

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もうすぐ3月の予定が立てられるといいなぁ。:) some people in the world living with no speech rights, i'm happy and lucky to be living as a citizen where there's freedom of speech. aren't we!? cheers.

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in the evening, threw up because of neck and eye fatigue, luckily folk came over and knocked on my door to check in with me if i was doing okay, and did neck and shoulder massage using my dr.hauschka lemongrass aroma oil. made dinner together, and had lemon tea. now, folk leave for new project. i stay home in bed. :(((