bokeboke memo

expat life

pre-divorcee離婚予備軍としてはpart 2

やっぱこれfolksと見てます。just love sarah jessica parker! :)

staying in bed with coffee and salmon cream cheese onion sandwich. everyone having muscle pain after badminton last night. hehe. skyped with folk and folk's parents in europe. some updates with eachother.

in japanese lesson, i notice they mix up the katakana and make mistakes sometimes. decided to give them some tests next time. ;)

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anyways, rainy and low air pressure, relax in bed and sofa with favorite food and book. ;)
folks came by, knocked. we have meeting with vip of this organization about latin class. it's really popular for chinese to learn latin these days other than english and japanese. since my european folks took latin for 9 years in school, some project might start. they got some powerpoint slides ready, seems the building near my place. ;)