bokeboke memo

expat life

今一番の悩みと言えば i still can’t write 100% local chinese

だわね。。加油しかないが、もどかしい。。i want to be able to type so fast like a real chinese because i have so many things in my mind that i want to put in my chineses website and express myself. i think it's real good experience and is a real big plus for my life. ;)

last night, folks and i watched a show called "deutschland 83" which is super cool. we love this series so much:

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today still shitty weather. our folk couple b&w moved to an another apartment in neighbourhood, but want to change inside better and cooler, so they decided to put some money into renovation. i don't know if they will hire construction guys, or they mean they will supply materials and do it themselves. but they wanted us to come over and check out the new place. but we all have cold, so we kind of stayed in.

at night, ordered 興化魯面。興化 is today called 莆田 and has quite an interesting history. i think 莆田魯面 became 長崎ちゃんぽん when reached japan long time ago.

relaxing saturday night.