bokeboke memo

expat life

folks in south and turkey for business

again. some fly out. last night's dinner was マテ貝酒蒸しと黄瓜花だらけ。boy, that was very healthy and tasty. this seafood restaurant boss remembers me and gave me big big rice packs and many chopsticks for free. yeaaaaah. he's so kind. thank you very much. so this morning i had hot rice with natto & tomato onion. lovely. :)

a folk flew out for company branch in the south where the typhoon is hitting. hope got there well. another folk in turkey resort for business. he says earthquake everyday. hehe.

anemia today though. do stretches and will eat some lunch with iron later.
for now, some aroma oil for relaxation. :)

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eventually, went out to get steamed chicken and pork charshu lunch set with big garlic lettuce. also brought back a real nice ice shave with 仙草 jello and milk and potato mochi for topping. ate that for dessert.

must gain weight! :)

after chinese sns chat with folks in europe, i slept so deep and long until midnight, like 8 hours. hehe. ohhhhhh, but that was really good. i think maybe because my sleep these days were not so deep but shallow sleep. feels so refreshing.

nice that downstairs shop is open all night. can go buy water and make tea and watch some youtube japanese show from now.