bokeboke memo

expat life

lucky to be a victim than the perpetrator

lucky am a victim than the perpetrator. many people from old to young tell me the same thing where ever i go, "you're blessed." a very good saying and i agree it's true. now, i'm like a white paper, like white clean shirt. it connects with wellness. meditation to the direction of sun. everyone so nice to me. after coffee, some laundry. floor cleaning can wait. health number one. i don't know if the medication is working or not, but continuing three times a day. pls pls pls work. :)

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hotpot last night was real nice. 自分にご褒美 everyday was baum kuchen. continuous book reading. some new license i want to take.

takana pasta for brunch after stretches. wow, it's oct. already. great wkend indeed.:)