bokeboke memo

expat life

buri daikon & kazuo ishiguro

daytime, slept real long. i made buri daikon for dinner. family said "oishi oishi" is honor to me. :)
kazuo ishituro congrats.ま、私も never let me goは昔原作読んだわな。 still, keeps strange feeling inside me that it is really true that murakami's turn doesn't come to receive nobel although everyone in the world love him because of what he said about jews in past, made these people angry... i find it nobel is quite political place after all.

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anyways, in bed relaxing, cozy with some music. some report to folks in china. thanx for loving me guys. i love you guys too. ;)

pretty funny the chinese national holidays, many chinese folks are away but foreigners staying say "nothing really going on here now." ahahaha. really funny.

hope everyone is having a great night.