bokeboke memo

expat life

meet up with n for dinner

continued home renovation. glad rain is over. brunch, stretches, and some errands.
looking forward to meeting up with n. ;)

i'm pretty pissed off by john masters organics for deceiving customers. they have no more trust.
対象は、2016年9月8日から2017年9月21日らしいけど、責任の取り方がラベル補正だけって頭おかしい。。数年前、家族でハワイ行って私、母、叔母、で色々 john mastersの商品買ったのだけど、その頃から嘘表記に違いないぜ。ま、事情知らない人は詳しくはwebとか見たらわかると思うけど:

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so tnite met up with n, went to "草間彌生美術館" first. real unique world. however, her polkadot design really matches japanese architecture.

then we went to dinner. ”いきなり!ステーキ," shared different kinds of steak 600g altogether. :) ペロリだぜ。国慶節と韓国のお盆が重なってと欧米人も、めっちゃ観光客多い京都のsaturday night! ;) いきなり!は相変わらず人気。

happy even we japanese can get discount in many departments and shops if you have chinese bank cash card. ;)