bokeboke memo

expat life


友達になれへんな。以前から思うけど価値観よね、こういうのって。人生色んなことで、言葉なしで「そうそう」「これはちゃうやんな」とか、「これはどっちの人の方が悪いやろ」とか、バチッと分かる人とはめっちゃ合うけど、なんでそう思うか説明しないといけない人とは地球で共存出来るけど、ええ友達にはなれない。育った環境も大きいよね。例えば、伊藤詩織のケース。。ワインスタインのセクハラ被害者とは全然ちゃうやろ、って分かる人。幸い、ネットでは色んな人がコメントしてて この女はうさん臭いって思う人多いのがまだまだ日本も捨てたものじゃないと思ったけど。:)

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anyways... japanese lesson. good students!! ;) seems they reviewed from last time.

relaxing afternoon. planning things. so sunny. cooler these days. no humid. love the weather here.

everytime, i'm so wakuwaku about what to eat because there are so many options. today, i make fish with dill cream sauce, that my european folks gave me for my shopping. my special huge freezer here has so many good food from japan and here, love it. ready for folks bbq anytime too. ;) cumin cheese from seijyo ishii tastes real good. sharing with folks.
but here, you should eat many different delicious chinese food often.

catching up with chinese sns again.