bokeboke memo

expat life

curry with so many shrimp fries

japanese curry delivery with so many shrimp fries or pork cutlet. yeaaaaaaah. this new curry place is amazing. matches with my new guatemala coffee that i just opened.
so most of you know there are bikers all over china, delivering food system is really becoming huge. so convenient you just order and pay by your mobile phone, so when you receive your food, you don't have to pay. i saw in tv in japan that japan is also trying to start developing that system in future. i hope it will. ;)

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actually, last night cooked a big american beef steak and had leftovers in afternoon as well. haha. but keeps me hungry. the thing is i am so skinny again. need to gain weight! ;)

dessert 自分にご褒美everyday tonight is also continuous using of whip cream and hershey chocolate syrup.