bokeboke memo

expat life

super anemiac but my small pc table for bed

super anemiac but my small pc table for bed is really working for me. hehe.
folks came over and did awesome sandwich for our brunch. now, i'm working on somethings from bed with big cafe latte. anemiac medication is basically big iron pill that has huge amount of iron than the iron supplements that are sold in normal drug stores that you can only get them from your hospital doctors. and the side effects are throwing up and stomache ache, headache!!! bad... so i try to take them with a bit of things in stomache so i won't hurt my somache wall. and if i really need coffee, i take some hours after i took the pill and then put lots of milk in my latte for stomache wall protection. :)

tonight, i make beef for my anemia and will have a mashed potatos on a side. :)

busy busy busy...