bokeboke memo

expat life

2/3 done changing back to maiden name

have to go about 20 places to change back to my maiden name, but about 2/3 is done, so far so smooth. :) some i guess i'll have to keep my previous last name for while like with long time job associates and this blog. hehe :P

outside was so cold, i wear my knit cap, gloves, and pink scarves to go everywhere.
today's treat for myself is lawson sandwich (expensive nicer one, hehe) and cream puffs.

i think i'm really enjoying 断捨離 since i went to hamamatsu last time. you have attached feelings for so many things, but you just let it go and throw many things away, then afterwards, you feel so great.
having opportunity helping out my parents' home 断捨離 this month is so cool too. the garbage system is so much convenient than hamamatsu. here, almost everything is on monday depending on the wk. only burnables have twice a wk, so thursday too. the place is big and there's area to throw away any furnitures or plates or anything you want, and i helped them 断捨離 many things. :)

now, back to kotatsu with folks projects again with hot coffee.