bokeboke memo

expat life

they found a lost john coltrane album!

they found a lost john coltrane album. eveyone excited!! ;)

anyways.... 環境変わると便秘ねぇ〜:( 腸に血液も集中してるのか貧血、って事でめちゃLサイズの豚レバーガーリック揚げを頼んで白メシと食べました。フルーツサラダも。:)

so some meeting and other projects schedule to handle both here and in the island. brainstorming.

coffee ran out again. got nice japanese coffee filters on taobao with free shipping. also found a great wine shop in taobao with good price, totally bookmarked it!!

plan to eat the famous chinese big bowl milk pudding and xo sauce udon later. ya ya ya!