bokeboke memo

expat life

earthquake phone call with parents in kyoto

earthquake phone call with parents in kyoto. this morning in internet saw that they had earthquake in japan, this time especially hit hard in north osaka. found out my home town in kyoto was like M5強 so gave them a call to check if they were okay. they were okay, but they said it shook so hard it was pretty scary. They got out their emergency package ready though. mom said the hankyu train stopped so she can't go see grandparents today. hopefully it will start again by end of the day. also, they wanted to discuss about other important stuff that they are trying to sell the huge expensive speakers too and just start using normal stuff to listen to their music, i said noooooooooo, wait a little, let's include me and brother next time we see eachother who might want them. but they say "hey, but you guys are away. don't live here." hehe.
but seriously, it is also important to find good buyers, because there are so many that will try to trick you even in japan. it is after i started living in china, there are sooooooooo many bad people and trying to trick people, but then when you get used to not being tricked and having an eye for who are good and bad people, do business with these people and don't do business with those people and things, i also find out easily in japan, who and what kind of shops and business are very strange in japan, they might be bad people or koreans or chinese that live in japan doing that kind of business, not japanese. so since parents are getting old, i tell not to sell things to some shop you just found but wait for me to go with them so i can check if they are strange just trying to trick you, or they are decent shop. if i didn't live in china, i wouldn't even imagine about these things or know these things. my dad and mom always say i'm hardcore in being able to look through at 詐欺 or who are not real japanese and some asians using japanese name to do bad things in japan now. hehe.

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anyways, some project folks fly back tomorrow so we can be in the soccer tournament project in the wkend. after that, i might fly to japan soon. i might don't want to wait until august. it's good that you can work from home.