bokeboke memo

expat life

look, i’m busy but whenever i have

look, i'm busy but whenever i have a free time, i take time to push "agree" to these two topics in yahoo news : 田中理事長 and 人質ビジネス related. sometimes there are thousands of comments already, but i take as much time as i have, just a few minutes during break or at home at night to look as many pages as i can and push "agree" on: why tanaka is not quitting, and japanese government should never negotiate with terrorists and use our japanese citizens' tax and help that guy because it is self responsibility and also as most people are thinking that guy is part of the disgusting 人質ビジネス(which he might even get killed for real if plan didn't work and he'd regret himself at the end. wife also looks creepy). this "yahoo japan news comment" might and could become a loud voice if we pushed "agree" or "not agree" whenever we had free time, you know. even a small voice or opinion just by clicking. i believe so. really. true thaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!!! :(
other than that, not recently, but i do like to participate to push when 伊藤詩織 and 小保方 topics in news. really. give me a break!

anyways, busy but still bringing lunch. today was leftover yakiudon with lots of beef steak and cabbage and carrots that we bought in apita in it!