bokeboke memo

expat life

danshari again

danshari again. hehe. ate onigiri, i don't know i just wanted to eat lots of salted salmon onigiri with miso soup for brunch and help start parent's home danshari again. we got lots of things done. i wrote some convenient ways the garbage systems are in my kyoto town, books and newspapers and unneeded clothes, futons, and all that, can put in front of our doorsteps once every month, which is sooooooooooo great. don't have to go carrying heavy stuffs to the garbage place and all. house getting simple, with still many cool stuffs that only we really want to keep left. we are feeling great again we are getting things done while i'm here. thanx to the european folks again they helped danshari here and hamamatsu house in new year holiday too! :)