bokeboke memo

expat life

everyone flying in for conference

昨日の「5時に夢中」良いですな!岩井志麻子中瀬ゆかり、めっさ当たってるしロジカルでええわぁ。♪ ;)

大塚愛の離婚に、岩井志麻子が男の不倫語る 「妻より数段レベルが低い女性にイキがち」。岩井と中瀬が熱弁:

everyone flying in for conference ;) busy busy. billionaire investor and boss look satisfied by preparation.
this conference is going to be great! ;)

quickly spread avocado and honey and ate toast, had coffee. good conference includes good hospitality as well. everyone can learn this in life experience.