bokeboke memo

expat life

”deep”の兄弟が 親戚やと知ったが私と弟は知らず

最近"deep"が 親戚やと知ったが、私と弟は、洋楽や海外バンド好きなので知らず。叔母や大叔母やらは、関西来たらバックステージとか行ってるみたいね。ほんまや、名字が母の旧姓と同じだ!:)

we all woke up early this morning. i made everyone a coffee and took many chicken drums from freezer, so at night, i can make "cola-chicken." i didn't make "cola-chicken" for long time, but suddenly wanted to with rice, so checked recipe, going to buy a bottle of coke, ginger, and soysauce later.
also, embarrassing but found a hole in my nice zucca (my favorite brand from student yrs) sweater, i know a lady downstairs that can fix it very well cheap, so i'm bringing it to her.
gotta do big laundry too.

we watching funny trump picture together, as european folks shows us in breakfast table in his mobile screen, and i also said "hey, that same picture, they used it in yahoo japan news yesterday too!" hehe.

so our linguine, coffee filters, disposable kitchen cloths, and etc ran out, so ordered them on taobao, they are gradually arriving to our apartment locker downstairs. goody! i thought we did pretty less price last month, but it is the next month we find out that many things run out and we purchase many packages at once again, so every two months, we use more budget, it averages out almost same. hehe.

reading brene brown where i left off last time. i can feel very well what she says. ;)