bokeboke memo

expat life

5 star hotel christmas dinner buffet ticket

5 star hotel christmas dinner buffet ticket was passed out by our secretary yesterday. looks like boss and billionaire investor's plan. hundreds tables will be there, and each ticket has lucky draw. hehe.

last night, made seafood pizza with scallops, shrimps, clams, squids, i put some white wine and garlic with white sauce and cheese, tasted real good. made a lot. had wine. talked about so many things.
too many things that we want to do in life and the yr passes by so fast. get them done one by one. 焦るのが一番良くないんで。一個ずつ実現したらいいよ。成功してる人ほど、他の人にやり方を教えて実践やスタッフ雇うのまで助ける。参考になる。大した事ない奴ほど人を助けない。女性こそ他の女性を助けるのが私は美しいと思っているし、経験を生かしてそうして生きたいと思っている。;)

had call with my family in japan at night.

this morning, made rucola and emmental cheese sandwiches with pesto sauce. got ready mixture of some european herb tea bags in one small box for secretary because she likes european herb tea.

very cold.