bokeboke memo

expat life

business trip end march yeahhhhh!

so the other island project (not the one we live for long) we'd have business trip end march again. all of our schedule fit. yeahhhhhh. free business class flight and five star hotel again. excited about it. anyways, we do this for many yrs now. great working with this team as well. so nice to get out of cold shanghai sometimes. we'd go to the usual island soon as well. hehe.

today, i'm at home tcb. finished and having nice late lunch with coffee. half of michelle obama book is done and enjoying it. 全ての女性が経験するであろう葛藤や苦悩も正直にさらけ出してる。それは、とても勇気がいる事だと思うしリスペクトする。本当にチャーミングな人だと思う。

gonna do my language studies as well.

紅包をもらった管理職は、他の同僚に 少しsplitするのが、割と中国の習慣でgenerousと思われている。という事で、4人はそうして、と。wechat moneyで割り勘や紅包も出来ちゃうのが便利。;) パールミルクティーやケーキなどは、年中好きな子がオーダーして社内おごってくれてる。店の種類が多いので、今回はどこのナイ茶にする〜、なんて言う感じです。

last night, made linguine with rendang leftovers which tasted very delicious.
tonight, want to use up all the 春菊 i have. 残ってるししゃもフライと海老カツも揚げな。also will eat rice with the korean minority group's kimchee i bought from taobao. ;)