bokeboke memo

expat life

busy busy busy

beautiful day. cinnamon rolls and cheese baguette.

nattooooooooo. :))))

the news about this guy cutting off a lawyer's penis because he was having an affair with the guy's wife, somewhat horrors me.
many yahoo news comments are not sympathetic at all to this lawyer too. they all say "well, this lawyer deserves it." and things like that.

i can't believe it. it's not "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth.''
like if somebody did very bad thing to you, you do bad thing back to them??? i think life is more sensitive and complicated than that.

although, it is common knowledge that both guys did things that would damage a person's life mentally. for the lawyer physically too, but a lot of mental damage because he must be wanting to almost kill himself that he can't have sex anymore in life as a man. and now that wife found out what he has done, his wife and children might leave him. it is up to how court will decide the size of the impact of damage on one's life is and it differs by person, case by case. we must keep in mind many people world society would think "an affair (不倫)= cutting a man's penis (ちんちんカットrevenge)" as almost equal damage. like both side did bad things. therefore, it might just offset both their sins at court and conclude with this lawyer only being able to receive a small amount of settlement and a guy getting about one year in jail at the most.

i wonder if the guy couldn't think of any other solution.
because, cutting off someone's penis is just too beyond normal revenge...
also curious what will the judge sentence him at court???