bokeboke memo

expat life

many shops closed until about feb3, ran out of coffee

... oh well. holiday feast continues until first wk of feb and b's mom and sister is here from the us. they travel some cities and hope they have a great time here! as for rest of us, some of f and a's customers invited many big drinking and eating, but i'm not going. i want to stay in, do lots of stretches and read. i want to cook many veggies and eat with rice. bought new soy sauce and want to try it out. china, there are so many different kind of soy sauce. even in my favorite brand sauces lee kum kee (李錦記), they have several different kinds of soy sauce, oyster sauce, and etc... also going downstairs to buy mangos and lemons again.

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real good news from folks. thank you so much! 皆の親切さに泣けるぜ。本当にありがとう。
went to buy new coffee at a different place as usual that's open today.
afternoon taught some japanese, then had custard baozi. took a nap in a warm blanket. i skipped drinking with folks tnite and going to eat dinner by myself.