bokeboke memo

expat life


after she quit the show, she's in hawaii. i like her honesty of being 40代 woman. 内藤聡子「独身は肩身が狭いのね〜」留学のビザ申請に四苦八苦
内藤聡子「なかなか険しいものだった」 40代でハワイ留学決意の本心

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today, folks' office after brunch and shower. looking forward to it. also japanese teaching in evening.
my french organic non silicon shampoo with nice rosemary smell ran out, so i'm changing to new german brand shampoo that folks brought back and gave me as a present. also organic and real nice smell one. yey! :)

yesterday on the way to foreign market with my student folk, we found a new small australian meat shop. they're direct from australian farm. we checked quality and seems real nice. all parts of beef and lamb. hehe. we need good beef and lamb in china. pork, we have real good quality ones in china too, but thank god australian good meat can be bought near my house nicely cut and packaged. owner seemed nice. so, i plan making tofu paprika with some beef with lots of zucchini leftovers for dinner. lots of spring onions too. big rice, i love the japanese rice, but love chinese rice that falls out from chopsticks. chinese rice matches chinese food. maybe need to buy some chinese cooking wine as well. only a little left.

slow life. lots of veggies. :)