bokeboke memo

expat life

la la land, lilly singh youtube, かもめ食堂 etc

mattari saturday with folks having pumpernickel and latte. saw '17 oscar nominee youtube etc..wanna see la la land, love ryan gosling. like lilly singh because she's a super girl and i receive power. also, she's from toronto and i can feel sympathy for her as a foreigner that used to live in toronto too. her indian sketch is so funny as well.

かもめ食堂 is because they wanted to see japanese film. i introduced this one because it's peaceful and cute movie.

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decided to make sweet and sour chicken and tofu & seaweed miso soup for dinner.
i hear it's freezing in japan. i need energy to go. hehe ;)
well, so far many good things around here, slow life.