bokeboke memo

expat life


関わる前は、この分野はイスラエルバルト三国も最先端とは知らなんだ。 many thanks to every experience in life. ;)) learning growing up, learning growing up. get down, get up. get down, get up. ;)

ordering other small stuffs for new place in shanghai. folks are still there until this wkend, so they can receive it. heard from a, they are also looking for new apartment for the other guy b. hehe. y also already found his apartment. he is more like a very spiritual natural organic yoga guy, so he found very old apartment some stations far from the office building. i'm sure he already found nice yoga studio to hang out as well. hehe. well good thing all is paid by multi national project investors and government. ;)

i really ran out of good coffee from tsukiji too, so have to go buy it. oh man, so hot and humid outside, i don't wanna gooooooooooooo. but i'm going now. wechatの情報で東北大板の新しい抹茶味が出たというので、探しに行こうっと!自分にご褒美 everydayさぁ♪

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ちゅうわけで、帰宅。コーヒーおいちい。しみじみ。back on doing some research.
and later at night, i plan to go buy mcdonald's new product, french baguette beef with shrimp fried pate cheese burger. hehehehe. i found out about this new product from folks in my chinese sns. discount if you pay by mobile. ;)