bokeboke memo

expat life

今日も色々 project 経費で落として、と。

今日も色々 project 経費で落として、と。引き続き、上海でいる家具購入やら引越しの手配やら。folks will come back late at night (they'll head to the airport at 5, but always have flight delay in shanghai) so i'm excited.

today for lunch, i will go buy mango, dragon fruit, and my favorite macao fried rice from hong kong restaurant near my place. then in the afternoon, i hope to do some 断捨離 here. i really worked hard on my hamamatsu home 断捨離, my kyoto parents' home 断捨離 (well it was half because they let me put my big hamamatsu stuffs there) , so getting efficient and better every time. but 3 home 断捨離 in 6 months? that is soooooooo much energy and tired, so i sometimes did go down to my bed sick. yesterday was a bit like that and had a fatigue so took it easy, did extra stretches. well, my parents' home 断捨離 was pretty fun. even only selling half of my dad's classical music cds, and only keeping half, there were thousands pcs, and they decided to give me all the money sold so the money will help a bit for my life. it was very interesting and learnt which are rare, or which conductor, violinist, pianist, singer, are popular, and will sell so expensive. some cd will become like 9,000 yen for just one cd. that was real fun. we decided to keep the records, because we love the records. other than that, selling some antiques, choosing which ones mom doesn't want anymore but i don't wanna sell, so i can have the ones i like after they die, and so on. hehe.

hehe. well of course, not only selling stuff, but throwing out heavy furnitures and things, that was a great help because some of my european folks and my brother were there together helping out. in kyoto, you have to put it outside front of your house so the city hall will come to pick up and you even have to pay a little money. :)

and the kimonos. i wrote in this blog some other day, but mom gave me all these beautiful silk kimonos that grandpa (he was a kimono business man) made especially for her but of those many she never wore. i also don't have opportunity to wear them now. maybe when i get old and live in kyoto, i might. but if i'm living in europe, i won't wear them too. the kimono dealer came one day to check and even the good ones can only sell at low price these days, so we decided not to sell them. so that is a bit of concern that have to think of solution. maybe cut in pcs and make them into some bags, cushion covers, i can sew myself, and making dress and tunic at the chinese women's place that i know? ピンクのガーゼっぽい長襦袢でめちゃ可愛い柄の5着は、すでにノースリとチュニックを計画中だけど、あとのが着物っぽ過ぎてねぇ。。どないするか。けど、ともかく。みなさん、実家の断捨離の手伝いはちょっとずつお早めに!♪

well, first let me go get my favorite macao chaofan and hongkongnese milktea (which is a great mixture of tea and coffee and milk).