bokeboke memo

expat life


Hong Kong restaurant again

so tasty. yum yum. had liver with ginger and shrimp noodle. bought new clothes hanger. can hang so many clothes. fits very well in my room. listened to these. so cozy. :Adele: Live At The Royal Albert Hall発売日: 2011/11/28メディア: Blu-ra…

book trading club and badminton club

in this town, there are foreigner group of book trading club and badminton club and folks enjoy. today, and then foreign supermarket. many things i must buy today including mexican spice, a1 sauce, and hershey chocolate syrup. i'm using th…

yesss! 慰安婦ユネスコ遺産登録見送り

yesssssssssss!!! 慰安婦ユネスコ遺産登録見送り。i mean totally... just a timely topic when my best friend and i went over this crazy issue last month in japan over dinner. - some approach from chinese folks for renewal projects since couple…

internet guys come to fix

finally!! can use again. studied pretty long for my exams. now relaxing bokeboke coffee time with chocolate. so excited what spicy chinese food to eat for dinner.

halloween star trek costumes and folks

real fun night at the crowne plaza halloween party last night. many familiar faces. grabbed beer and burgers. later on, we went to japanese restaurant near my place that is opened until 2 am and had sake and bbq shrimps. :))ohhhhhhh, real …

met yoga teacher folk to give japanese shoppings

i did last month. we met in starbucks and did catching up on so many things. her ashtanga yoga teaching in beach, the photos really look amazing. she went to japan in summer too, but you know these japanese fan can never have enough japane…



the new blade runner to taiwan

in china, heard blade runner is deleted for two minutes or so, we folks might go to nearest island in taiwan to watch it. hehe. beaches are nice, so we might stay over and make fire as well. - today, we went for lunch in hong kong restaura…


anyways, chinese sns fans comment piled up so answering them. thanx guys! sorry didn't log in long. ;)

curry dumplings, hot and sour soup

woke up late. tried out new cheese and bread.some errands in afternoon. call with japan. yes. i'm so grateful. :)delivery at night. youtube doesn't work again, so watching some stuffs that i have already.

party@hotel suite with room service

ohhhh, last night was really fun. 8 folks gathered for b's birthday in nice hotel suite. we took room service and had wine, sparkling wine, and whiskey. was fun catching up, listening to how uk and south africa trip was. also b and w's pla…

b’s birthday party tnite

meeting up with a and a, catching up first, shopping present, then to b's birthday. こちらでは、yahoo japanまでもが検索機能がうんともすんともしないぜ。。今使えるのはbingだけ。。ほんま。。。:( - so hot today too. too sunny summer still!

hotter than i thought in this town

tanktop and shorts. fuck... vpn ran out. no more google, youtube, all other stuff. even yahoo japan is slow and doesn't search things. strange, goes to baidu in a second. china really controling many foreign internet website. getting more …

packing things

phew. long time takes to pack than i thought. smooth airport shuttle bus that comes pick me up in a very good price direct to airport. love it. ;) - folks came to pick me up to the airport. carried heavy suitcases and bags for me. smooth! …

post from europe arrived safely! :)

happy happy!インスタしてへんのにインスタ映え言う母。hehe! she's so funny. so eventually we had hotpot for dinner last night. today, i have to go do some errands but after that cozy in sofa. :) - made buri daikon tonite for dinner. using go…

lunch date with m :)

nice italian lunch. very popular full of customers. including all you can eat bread service, risotto was really nice. :) catching up with so many updates of both our life stories. hehe. after lunch, some shoppings in department store. real…

yoga, weight training

ツレヅレハナコの食いしん坊な台所作者: ツレヅレハナコ,キッチンミノル出版社/メーカー: 洋泉社発売日: 2017/09/05メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)この商品を含むブログ (2件) を見る what's wrong with twitter. gosh:…

never ever let Harvey Weinstein assault women again!

Emma Thompson cool woman. love the way she talks:

japanese fried dumplings

so tasty. very small, you can eat two at a time. hehe. in china, mostly they eat boiled so i as a japanese i miss fried ones sometimes when i visit there. ;)continuous anemia. so iron medication and staying in sofa with my favorite blanket…


super anemiac day. lying down on sofa. glad i finished all shoppings these days. calls from folks. they are in hong kong for wkend now. they are buying somethings for me from there too. but i really don't need for now. :) - watching news, …

grandparents’ house again ;))

taking them to dentist today. they walk like younger eldery people very healthy, but since they might need to write some documents in dental clinic, i go incase to help. writing stuff, young people are faster. hehe.before that, i gotta go …


自分は Kaldi, 成城石井買い出しが幸せ。:) 頑張って生きてる姿見て、なぜか涙ぐむ祖母、ママ、おば、うちの女連中。;) 頑張ってるでぇ♪ハラダのGOUTER de ROIハロウィンパッケージを大量にもたせてくれた叔母。「向こうの友達と食べ。」やて。感謝。西友はw…

errands to post office and etc

borrowing mom's bicycle to go do errands. some shipments. helping parents buy stuffs for dinner from supermarket. hehe. love supermarket. ;) my final stop will be seven eleven though. love their food and ice cream.

grandparents’ house with aunt, my family

so hot and sunny holiday. kyoto full of tourists. we arrived grandparents' house and hang out until night, and went to dinner together. we ordered beer, sashimi, all these other cool izakaya menu. amazed by their appetite and how my grandp…

cycling shopping for european folks

for shopping for european folks that also did many shoppings for me in europe. i must say i love supermarket and small japanese snacks shops.unagi for dinner with family. preparing for tomorrow meetings with grandparents and aunt. making s…

meet up with n for dinner

continued home renovation. glad rain is over. brunch, stretches, and some errands. looking forward to meeting up with n. ;)i'm pretty pissed off by john masters organics for deceiving customers. they have no more trust. 対象は、2016年9月8…


朝からメシがうまい。食欲旺盛、育ちざかり。:)stretches, coffee. yoga mat put in front of tv with real huge screen. weather is not good. maybe long half body bath with my favorite bath oil in the afternoon. i'd read my new textbook in bath. …

buri daikon & kazuo ishiguro

daytime, slept real long. i made buri daikon for dinner. family said "oishi oishi" is honor to me. :) kazuo ishituro congrats.ま、私も never let me goは昔原作読んだわな。 still, keeps strange feeling inside me that it is really true that m…

woke up late, CD with ”Nausicaä” cello

チェロ名曲集&風の想い出アーティスト: 藤原真理,バッハ,ブレイク(ハワード),林光,東京都交響楽団,プラネス(アラン),岡本美智子,三宅一徳,羽田健太郎,久石譲,秦はるひ出版社/メーカー: 日本コロムビア発売日: 1999/06/19メディア: CD クリック: 15回この商…

some errands day trip

a day trip. nice with japanese tea and onigiri. hehe. errand finished pretty late, had sashimi for dinner. lots of stretches on my favorite purple yoga mat. hot bath, then dessert, medication. ;) grateful. :))